My uncle sent this to me. It was a BYU devotional that President Hinckley gave in September 2007. I can hear in my mind him saying these words. Well worth the read...
By President Gordon B. Hinckley
The principles outlined in the 13th article of faith should serve as a pattern for our lives.
What a unique institution this is. Coupled with its associates in Hawaii and Idaho, it is a leader both academically and spiritually. How fortunate you are in the opportunity to attend here. Many others wish to come here but are unable to do so.The magnificent physical plant, together with a great faculty, makes it an academic jewel. But the end product of all of this, of course, is you—you thousands of aspiring young scholars.I agree that it is a grinding experience to earn a degree here. But the result is something of which you can be extremely proud.The by-product of your academic achievement will be a bundle of ethical, moral, and spiritual values. These are summarized in our 13th article of faith: “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men” (A of F 1:13).This is a short and simple statement, but its implications are enormous.
We cannot cheat. We cannot do anything of a dishonest nature. We make a pledge with ourselves to be scrupulously honest in all that we do. This is not always easy.In matters of honesty, there are no shortcuts—no little white lies or big black lies. There is only the simple, honest truth spoken in total candor. And I think there is nothing more honest than good, hard work.I was recently introduced to Ed Viesturs. Ed has climbed Mount Everest six times and has reached the summits of the world’s highest mountains without the use of supplemental oxygen. When asked how he did it, he said, “It is just hard, hard work.” To accomplish his feat, Ed actually had to climb one mountain twice. The first time, he was forced to turn back just a short distance from the top and did not feel that he could honestly claim the summit.An article in a recent issue of Fortune magazine indicated that wewill achieve greatness only through an enormous amount of hard work over many years. . . . The good news is that [our] lack of a natural gift is irrelevant—talent has little or nothing to do with greatness. . . .. . . Nobody is great without work. [Geoffrey Colvin, “What It Takes to Be Great,” Fortune, vol. 154, no. 9 (Oct. 30, 2006), p. 88]Years ago there was a merchandising institution that carried as its motto “Honesty is the best policy.” In recent years we have seen a veritable parade of business executives who have broken this trust with their dishonest acts and have been sent to prison.
This is different than honesty. It means that we stand tall, look the world straight in the eye, and march forward. It means that we are true to the faith of our fathers. In the words of Evan Stephens:Shall the youth of Zion falterIn defending truth and right?While the enemy assaileth,Shall we shrink or shun the fight? No!True to the faith that our parents have cherished,True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,To God’s command,Soul, heart, and hand,Faithful and true we will ever stand.[“True to the Faith,” Hymns, 1985, no. 254]I have mentioned before the experience of my youth when my brother and I would sleep outside during the summertime. We would lie down in the bed of a big farm wagon and gaze into the heavens. The whole sky seemed to move—all but the North Star, which remained in its permanent and predictable place.It was a thing of stability in a world of shifting values. It became an expression of a desire to pattern one’s life after the Polar Star, this astronomical wonder, to be true and dependable—true to God, true to self, and true to fellowman.William Shakespeare said: “To thine own self be true, / And it must follow, as the night the day, / Thou canst not then be false to any man” (Hamlet, act 1, scene 3, lines 78–80).
I observed a very interesting thing the other day. In Salt Lake City, early on a Saturday morning, the Key Bank Building was brought down with a series of well-placed detonations. It all happened in three or four seconds, with a great cloud of dust that rolled to the northwest. The process is called an implosion, in contrast with an explosion.The building was constructed nearly 30 years ago. I suppose construction extended over a period of at least a year, maybe two. Now it was gone in seconds.That, my friends, is the story of so many lives. We nurture them ever so carefully over a period of years. Then we find ourselves in highly charged circumstances. Mistakes are made. Chastity is compromised. There is an implosion, and a ball of dust is all that is left.I was reminded of this when I recalled a young man and a young woman who came to my office. He was a handsome boy and she was a beautiful girl. They were university students. Their future looked bright and beautiful. But they gave in to temptation. Now they were going to have a baby. Their dreams of the future literally collapsed. They would be married. He would work at a low-paying job with the meager skills that he had.Tears filled their eyes as they talked with me. But there was no escape from the reality that faced them. Their lives had suffered an implosion, and a tower of dreams had come tumbling down.Do not let this happen to you. Do not sell yourself short by compromising your commitment to morality. You are, each one of you, children of a divine Father in Heaven. You were created after His design in the image of your Creator. Your body is sacred. It is the temple of your spirit. Do not defile it with sin.Now, hearkening back to the illustration of the tower that collapsed, I remind you that in its place will be constructed a new and beautiful building. Similarly, those who have transgressed can turn to their Redeemer, our Savior Jesus Christ, and, through the power of His Atonement, be made clean and new again. The Lord has said, “Be faithful . . . ; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees” (D&C 81:5).Understand that you are being chased. Satan is chasing after you, and you had better run as fast as ever you can.
What does this mean? It means that we are kind, thoughtful, reaching out to those in need at all times. The word literally means that we are doing good. The very word, derived from the Latin bene, denotes reaching out to those in distress and need and assisting them in any way possible.We believe in being benevolent as individuals. The Center on Wealth and Philanthropy has ranked Utah at or near the top in terms of charitable giving (Second Annual Survey by Boston College Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, Nov. 16, 2006).We believe in being benevolent as a church. Our humanitarian efforts reach across the earth—most of which are devoted to the assistance of those who are not members of the Church. Never forget that it is through the benevolent and faithful donations of tithe payers around the world that your education is subsidized at this university. How grateful we all should be, and how liberal in giving we should be according to our ability.
This may have nothing whatever to do with sexual morality; that is covered by the word chaste. Virtuous, in this case, I believe, means having strength—the strength to do whatever needs doing. Great virtue comes in doing well and consistently the everyday, often rather tedious tasks of life. Blaise Pascal said that “the strength of a man’s virtue should not be measured by his special exertions, but by his habitual acts” (Pensées [1670]).Your virtue will be attained through deliberate practice of those things that bring strength and purity to your life—such things as prayer; consistent study of the scriptures; timely payment of your financial obligations, especially an honest tithe; careful adherence to the law of health, which we call the Word of Wisdom; and faithful observance of all the commandments of God. These and other goodly practices performed on a habitual basis will yield great virtue.
This is no easy thing. It requires mercy, self-discipline, and determination. The Lord has told us that we must even reach out in forgiveness and love to those who despitefully use us. All men deserve our respect.A story is told of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who served as both a judge and the mayor of Nauvoo. He was confronted with the case of Anthony, a man of African descent and a former slave. Anthony was accused of a rather serious violation of the law. When Joseph confronted Anthony, he pleaded for mercy, indicating that he needed the money from his illicit activities to purchase the freedom of his child, who was still living in slavery. Joseph expressed his sympathy for Anthony’s plight but insisted that the law must be observed and that a fine would have to be imposed.The next day, in a sincere effort to do good to his fellow man, Joseph gave Anthony a fine horse that he could use to buy the child’s freedom.God is no respecter of persons. All are deserving of our consideration. Love and mercy must be the foundation principles of our relationships.Have you ever heard of Dr. Norman Borlaug? Relatively few have, although he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. Recently, at the age of 93, he was given the Congressional Gold Medal.The Wall Street Journal recently carried an editorial on him, but I have not seen his name in any other publication. The Wall Street Journal pays him this remarkable compliment: “He has arguably saved more lives than anyone in history. Maybe one billion” (“Borlaug’s Revolution,” Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2007, A16).Think of that for a moment. Then unroll the scroll inscribed with the names of the great benefactors of mankind.Dr. Borlaug first came to notice when, in 1944, Mexico was in the throes of a famine. Stem rust, a fungus, was devastating the cropland. The doomsayers, of whom there are always many, predicted starvation.But Dr. Borlaug rolled up his sleeves and went to work. He developed a new strain of rust-resistant wheat. He worked on fertilizers and irrigation. A miracle happened. The harvest became so great that farmers began to market their wheat internationally.He then turned his attention to Pakistan and India. In China, the Philippines, and Indonesia he did for rice what he had done for wheat in Mexico. He is one of the great pioneer scientists of our time, largely unknown and unsung.I have never met him. I suppose I never will. The only things I know about him are what I have included here after reading the Wall Street Journal’s brief editorial. But with that meager knowledge, I salute him and honor him. The whole world is in his debt.Now, my brothers and sisters, there it is. I am now in my 98th year. I have been around a very long time. I have seen much of life, its triumphs and its failures. I am convinced that there are more triumphs than failures.The Prophet Joseph wrote a remarkable statement when he penned those few words that make up the 13th article of faith. As we ponder them, reflect on them, thoughtfully and carefully consider them, they will become guideposts of our lives. If we do so, we shall be better people. Life will be challenging but more interesting, and the blessings of the Lord will come upon us, for we shall be doing what He would have us do.
This article is adapted from a devotional address delivered in the Marriott Center on Sept. 18, 2007, by Gordon B. Hinckley, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Send comments on this article to
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Welcome Home Matt!
We spent the weekend in California this weekend welcoming A's brother Matthew home from his mission. It was so fun to see him again. E was very excited to have his uncle Matt home. He came home on Friday night and the boys went to play paintball on Saturday. All day E kept waiting for Matt to come back. I'm glad he's home to, he's a good brother to A and I truly love having him as a brother-in-law. So happy that our family is whole again.
President Hinckley
I need to let the world know that President Hinkeley is a Prophet of God! So many times watching General Conference the Holy Spirit whispered these incredibly comforting words to me. I have been very sad at his passing, but am grateful that he lived his life in a manor that has allowed him to return to our Savior with peace and joy. And am envious that he is able to see his loved ones that have passed on. I truly am thankful for Prophets!
Here is a link to a You Tube memorial to him
Here is a link to a You Tube memorial to him
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
If I made a list of days that would be alright to forget, today would be one of those days.
I swear I am the the meanest mom I know. It's just one of those days where I wonder why on earth Heavnly Father thought it was a good idea to let me be a mom. E is an a-m-a-z-i-n-g person. It hasn't been anything he has necessarily done that has made me so grumpy. It is 100% me. For some reason I'm feeling completely frustrated and thus I don't respond as kindly as I should to his normal behavior. I think it's just a combination of things that have been building up, and for some reason I find myself at odds with this outstanding person who is everything I begged Heavenly Father to send me, how is that at all possible? I just feel terrible. And on top of that I have this immense feeling of loneliness, of near isolation from any real support system (other than A of course). I value the friendships that I do have greatly, but I'm not sure why I don't utilize them as often as I need to.
I took E to get his haircut at my friend Karen's house today, and I can't express how much I needed that interaction with her. It has helped lighten my shoulders and made me feel not so heavy. I need other people and I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've decided to stop feeling so sorry for myself and take the step to reach out to others around me rather than expecting them to make the first move. In fact one of our family goals is to initiate more social activities, and to find others who might need us as much as we need them.
I swear I am the the meanest mom I know. It's just one of those days where I wonder why on earth Heavnly Father thought it was a good idea to let me be a mom. E is an a-m-a-z-i-n-g person. It hasn't been anything he has necessarily done that has made me so grumpy. It is 100% me. For some reason I'm feeling completely frustrated and thus I don't respond as kindly as I should to his normal behavior. I think it's just a combination of things that have been building up, and for some reason I find myself at odds with this outstanding person who is everything I begged Heavenly Father to send me, how is that at all possible? I just feel terrible. And on top of that I have this immense feeling of loneliness, of near isolation from any real support system (other than A of course). I value the friendships that I do have greatly, but I'm not sure why I don't utilize them as often as I need to.
I took E to get his haircut at my friend Karen's house today, and I can't express how much I needed that interaction with her. It has helped lighten my shoulders and made me feel not so heavy. I need other people and I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've decided to stop feeling so sorry for myself and take the step to reach out to others around me rather than expecting them to make the first move. In fact one of our family goals is to initiate more social activities, and to find others who might need us as much as we need them.
Friday, January 18, 2008
It's amazing how blessed we are! Living at this time in the world's history, and in the US. I was just thinking of the amazing conveniences that I enjoy and took a picture of just a couple of them. As much as I complain about how loud our dishwasher is, I find it grand that I can just stick them in to this contraption and just a little while later Voila! They come out sanitized.
Some of the other amazing conveniences, disposable diapers. Gone are the days of diapers that had to be washed, that soaked right through every time there was a wet one, no more plastic undies over the diaper!
Formula: Breastfeeding does not come easily for me, and yet my child can be wonderfully healthy because of this food option.
Cell Phones: I don't think I need to expound on this one.
Diaper Rash Cream: Mason has been having a few lately, and he doesn't need to suffer for long.
Libraries: All those books! totally free! Amazing!
I am currently using a book to help E learn how to read, and it's working marvelously. It's called "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons", it's authored by Siegfried Engelmann, Phyllis Haddox, and Elaine Bruner. So far it's working great. My sister-in-law used it for her kids, and gave us the book for Christmas, in her words it is the greatest gift ever.
Of course this is just a short list of the conveniences that I enjoy, I have too many to list. What a blessed life I live...
What are some of the conveniences that you are grateful for?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Couldn't be Easier!
I made this dessert on Monday night for family night. I'm sure that some of you have already seen this recipe, but I just had to share it anyway for those who haven't. Honestly, it was the easiest dessert I've ever made. I was looking for something w/o eggs (as I didn't have any and didn't want to go to the store just for that). I had all of the ingredients in my pantry already, and it was great! We ate it with some vanilla ice cream -- Fantastic!
Slow Cooker Hot Fudge Sundae Cake
1 c. flour
½ c. sugar
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
½ c. milk
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tsp. vanilla
½ c. chopped nuts
¾ c. brown sugar
¼ c. cocoa powder
1 ½ c. hot water
Spray slow cooker with baking spray. In a medium bowl, mix flour, sugar, 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt. Stir in milk, oil, and vanilla until smooth. Stir in the nuts. Spread in the bottom of the slow cooker.
Mix brown sugar and ¼ c. cocoa powder, stir in the hot water. Pour over the batter in the slow cooker.
Cover and cook on high setting 2 to 2 ½ hours or until toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.
Turn off the slow cooker and let the cake stand uncovered 30-40 minutes before serving.
Slow Cooker Hot Fudge Sundae Cake
1 c. flour
½ c. sugar
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
½ c. milk
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tsp. vanilla
½ c. chopped nuts
¾ c. brown sugar
¼ c. cocoa powder
1 ½ c. hot water
Spray slow cooker with baking spray. In a medium bowl, mix flour, sugar, 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt. Stir in milk, oil, and vanilla until smooth. Stir in the nuts. Spread in the bottom of the slow cooker.
Mix brown sugar and ¼ c. cocoa powder, stir in the hot water. Pour over the batter in the slow cooker.
Cover and cook on high setting 2 to 2 ½ hours or until toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.
Turn off the slow cooker and let the cake stand uncovered 30-40 minutes before serving.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Mmmm... S'Mores
One of our goals as a family for 2008 is to spend at least 1 weekend a month doing outdoor activities together.




This weekend A and E camped out in our backyard on Friday night. A dug a little fire pit in our yard, we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and introduced E to the joy that is S'Mores (God bless the person who thought of this near perfect food). Then he and E slept in the tent (M and I stayed in our nice cozy beds).
On Saturday we went to our friends the Bundy's house and picked up the pecans that have been falling from their tree. We haven't shelled them all but we filled a 5-gallon bucket with them. I plan to open them and freeze them for use with my baking this year. It was really therapeutic to my soul to be outside with my boys doing work and enjoying friends. The weather was so outstanding that it was just a joy.
On Saturday night we went out to dinner with our friends Mitch and Rachel and Tom to the Cheesecake Factory. Mitch bought E a new toy, this really cool dinosaur that roars and walks. He was pretty terrified of it. He wanted to make sure that we took the batteries out forever. When we got home he had to make sure that the dinosaur was still in the trunk and would not come in to the house while he slept. He told me it was a 'horrible toy'. But on Sunday when he wasn't quite so tired out of his mind we showed him it was a totally harmless toy. He's okay with it now.
Friday, January 11, 2008
There has been quite a few of you who are very interested in the new diet that I am embarking on, so I've included a new feature on my page. On my sidebar I have a list of the things that I am eating for dinner this week. Some of the things do have meat and/or animal products in them. When this is the case I've either just picked out the meat or had an extremely small portion of the meat, or I've just had a salad for dinner while E and A ate the meal that I've made.
I hope this satiates some of your curiosity and gives you some ideas of good things to make for your family.
I hope this satiates some of your curiosity and gives you some ideas of good things to make for your family.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I am Grateful for: Produce Co-Op
We participate in a produce co-op with some other families from our Stake. What this is: Every-other Friday those who are participating take $15 and a basket or box over to one member's house and on Saturday morning the person collecting goes to the produce wholesaler and selects different items to split between the other families. Today it was my turn as the runner. So in the wee hours of the morning I took at turn at Kodiak Produce. Here is a picture of our order today:
2 heads of lettuce, 2 pinapples, 4 ears of corn, 1 bag of cherries, 3 bags of carrots, 1 butternut squash, 5 pears, 5 apples, 5 oranges, 4 mangoes, 16+ potatoes, and 1 bunch of broccoli. I can't say that the quality is any better than the grocery store, but I dare you to get the same selection from the store for only $15! It was a lot of fun, and very tastey.
2 heads of lettuce, 2 pinapples, 4 ears of corn, 1 bag of cherries, 3 bags of carrots, 1 butternut squash, 5 pears, 5 apples, 5 oranges, 4 mangoes, 16+ potatoes, and 1 bunch of broccoli. I can't say that the quality is any better than the grocery store, but I dare you to get the same selection from the store for only $15! It was a lot of fun, and very tastey.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
After quite a lot of research, I'm starting a new diet, not for weight reasons but for health reasons. Basically I'll be cutting out most animal products (eating very little meat, as the Lord tells us in the Word of Wisdom) and I'm wondering if you have any good recipes that are meatless or could be easily modified to meatless. I've found some yummy ones out there already, but being the recipe queen I can't be satisfied with a meager dozen, I need variety here.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
E's Funny
Tonight we were talking about Adam and Eve, how Heavenly Father told them not to eat the forbidden fruit, but they did anyway. En says, "Even when we do something wrong, God still loves us." Yes, we told him, God still loves us. But just because He loves us that doesn't mean that He doesn't get mad at us sometimes, just like when he (E) gets in trouble, he's mad at us but he still loves us. E says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah but God still loves us even when we do something wrong."
God bless Veggitales.
God bless Veggitales.
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