Friday, November 16, 2007

Five for Friday

1. I have the flu! I'm not very good at being sick, so I'm kind of dragging today. I spent a miserable night last night. When M got up to eat this morning I had A do it. And I seriously considered not having Hunter over today. But I figured I have to take care of my own children, and it's easier having him here so that E has someone to play with. I think I'll take a nap when they do.
2. Yesterday after the rain I opened our front door to let a cross breeze through, and today I've killed probably 20 flies that decided this is a happenin' place to live.
3. Staci Anderson and I did our Visiting Teaching yesterday, and boy howdy, does it feel good to have it done a little earlier than average.
4. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. I've been procrastinating thinking about it, and since it's still pretty warm here I've been successful in my denial. But now I really need to consider starting my holiday baking by the first of December, and that is quite a project.
5. I dusted one of my ceiling fans today and I realized just how poor of a housekeeper I've become since M was born. I still need to do the other 4 in the house, but I figure if I don't look that close at them, I can pretend that they're not that dirty afterall.


Becky said...

Alicia--I hope you're feeling better! By the way, if you are dusting your ceiling fans than you are a phenomenal housekeeper! I dust mine once or twice a year if we're lucky :)

Amberly said...

I love that you said boy howdy. that was hilarious and I could just hear you saying it. Hope you're feeling better!

Karen said...

I hope you are feeling better, and congrats on getting the visiting teaching done early, I love it when I get that done early in the month.