Thursday, January 20, 2011

Starting -- Cycle III -- Days 12 & 14

I went in on Tuesday for my day 12 ultrasound, Dr. M. wasn't there so Dr. Anderson examined me. There was a follicle on each side but neither was ready so he had me make an appointment for today.
Day 14 proved much better. I went in for my ultrasound, there are now 3 viable follicles. I had my hCG shot and we will go in tomorrow for IUI, very early since A gets off of work at 6:30am. We might do an additional IUI on Saturday if the follicles are still there tomorrow. But tomorrow is the critical day.

Send fertile thoughts my way this weekend!

I have still been relatively stress free about this, but I am also starting to wonder how long we can afford to continue with the treatments. I hate to give Heavenly Father a deadline, but we don't have unlimited funds. I'm sure He knows all of that and I hope that my timeline is the same has His.


The last Unicorn said...

I am sending the fertile vibes your way!!!!

Himesclan said...

I'm certainly thinking of you and hoping for the best.

Shiloh McKinnon said...

Praying all goes great! I start up my clomid tonight and go in on Feb. 8th to check folicle growth. I too have been patient but am beginning to wonder how long this will take.