Thursday, October 20, 2011

Guess What is NOT Fun


Yes, friend, we have the joy of being in the company of dry wood termites here at the Gilbert House. These little lovelies are making a meal out of our kitchen cabinets, and during the warm weather love to swarm out of the kitchen cabinets into my kitchen, and love to push their 'droppings' out onto my kitchen counter. Truly a Joy.

This weekend we're being tented and fumigated to get rid of our interlopers. We get to spend the next couple of days packing up every bit of food we have so it doesn't get contaminted when our house is flooded with poisonous gases. Then we get to go into exile for the weekend and let strangers have free reign of our house. I'm not at all excited about the idea of people rummaging around my house (which they will to make sure there isn't any unpacked food or suicidal people hiding in closets, under sinks, in car trunks waiting to be gassed themselves). And although they say the gas doesn't cling to clothing, bedding, dishes, etc., I am not sure I trust their word all the way. Here's putting faith in the EPA and the State of California, that we will not all die after the house has been sufficiently aired out. And one of the advantages I was looking forward to in all of this -- the death of spiders -- turns out to not be happening. Apparently, spiders shut down their systems, so they don't breath the fumes, and just wait it out, little tricky-tricksters.

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