Before I was a mom:
I cursed those who used the carpool lane with just themselves and one in a car seat as their '2 persons per vehicle'.
I swore my children would never eat a happy meal.
People who didn't put pants on their children and just let them run around in a diaper were 'white trash'.
I would never let my kids watch TV.
I thought hot dogs were an unacceptable lunch option.
After I was a mom:
Did you know that you can drive all the way to Disneyland in the carpool lane from my house?
M really wants to go to 'Mickey-donalds'.
When you live in Phoenix, sometimes pants are just too dang hot.
I enjoy using the restroom without someone standing there watching me, the TV is great at keeping little peepers out of the bathroom.
E loves Hebrew National Hot Dogs.
Anyone else lower their standards since becoming a mom?